Board of Directors
LifeRing has a democratically elected Board of Directors. LifeRing Bylaws require a minimum of two years clean and sober to serve on the Board of Directors and a minimum of one year clean and sober to serve as an officer. Directors and officers must be people in recovery from substance addiction. The board meets face-to-face at the annual LifeRing Congress and it meets monthly between Congresses by telephone conference call.
LifeRing Board of Directors Members
Dan Carrigan comes from Emeryville, CA. Dan provides workshop programs for non-profits across the United States. Elected in 2014, to fill out a vacant one-year term. Dan has been re-elected twice to the board. His term ends in 2021. Currently, he is serving as a Board co-chair.
Ewa Conroy splits her time between Boston and the SouthCoast of Massachusetts where she started a LifeRing meeting in New Bedford in 2017. Ewa launched her sober journey online with LifeRing many years ago when she googled “secular recovery” and discovered the empowering support of the online LifeRing community. She begins her term in 2019. Her term will end in 2022.
Jamie Itterman lives in the beautiful cIty of Maple Ridge just outside of Vancouver British Columbia. He has been convening several local meetings since 2017. Jamie enjoys being a part of the recovery community and being able to bring LifeRing to others which, in turn, helps him to maintain his own sobriety. Jamie has been a BOD member as the Financial Officer and New Meeting Coordinator with LifeRing Canada for 3 years and has recently joined the BOD of LifeRing Inc. Jamie began his term in 2020. His term will end in 2023.
Jocelyn Harnois lives in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, and was elected in 2020 to fill a one-year vacancy on the board as well as appointed to the Secretary position. She works in the non-profit sector and splits her volunteer time between her local Humane Society and LifeRing related activities like convening in-person and online meetings and raising public awareness about alternative recovery options in her area. She also serves on LifeRing Canada's Board of Directors.
Lorraine Hull lives in the mile-high city of Denver, CO. Lorraine has been involved with LifeRing Colorado since 2013. She convenes the Tuesday night St. John's library meeting and started other sober activities including the Saturday morning gathering of sober coffee drinkers. Her term started in 2020 and will end in 2023. Currently, she is serving as a Board co-chair.
Scott Judkins lives in San Francisco, CA. Scott is committed to helping improve the lives of individuals living with the devastating effects of chemical dependency. I bring 7 years of management experience heading up projects to facilitating volunteer fundraising for large scale events. Elected in 2019. Scott's term is up in 2022.
Donal Breen is from Dublin, Ireland. He has been a LifeRing convenor since 2012 and convenes on a regular basis in the Dublin area. Donal is Branch Liaison Officer for LifeRing throughout Ireland. Elected to Board in 2018. His term ends in 2021.
Mary Beth O'Connor Mary Beth O'Connor resides in the San Francisco Bay Area, where she convenes a LifeRing meeting. She first was elected to the Board in 2017 and her current term will end in 2023. Mary Beth is active in promoting LifeRing's premises of building a personal recovery plan and multiple paths to recovery. Her essay "I Beat Addiction without God" appeared in the Wall Street Journal in August 2020.
Steve Gonzales is from the San Francisco Bay Area. Steve was appointed in 2019 to replace a vacancy, and his term ends in 2022. Currently, he is leading the communications committee.
Current LifeRing Officers
Robert Stump, Executive Director
Dan Carrigan, Board co-Chair
Lorraine Hull, Board co-Chair
Donal Breen, Treasurer
Jocelyn Harnois, Secretary
Board Meetings
A Board Meeting is scheduled every month on the second Sunday of the month at 9:00 AM, Pacific Time via a Zoom meeting.
This meeting is open to the public.
Meeting URL:
Meeting ID: 889-0775-8083, Password: lifering
Call-in numbers:
Additional help joining a Zoom Meeting:
Current Regional Representatives for LifeRing
Founder and CEO 1997-2010
Martin Nicolaus
Board of Director Documents
Current LifeRing Bylaws
LifeRing’s 501(c)(3) IRS Determination Document
California Articles of Incorporation (1997)
Click here for the Board Minutes and the Financials
Legal Notice
LifeRing Press, LifeRing Recovery, LifeRing Secular Recovery, and LifeRing's graphic design are registered trademarks/servicemarks of LifeRing Inc. All rights reserved. The LifeRing meeting charter and Bylaws are official publications of LifeRing Inc., approved by the LifeRing Congress. All other publications, including, without limitation, the content of posts, blog items, comments, books, brochures, flyers, other publications, and linked sites on this website, represent the opinions of their authors.