Start a LifeRing Meeting
Generally, anyone in recovery from substance addiction, who is familiar with the LifeRing philosophy and has at least six months’ continuous sobriety can be a LifeRing convenor. People may, however, become convenors earlier. Occasionally, treatment professionals with no personal recovery history start meetings, but the aim is to transition meeting convenorship to a person in recovery as soon as possible.
Face to Face Meeting Format
Why become a Convenor
Convenor Support
Start a LifeRing Meeting
To start your meeting please contact the Service Center at Please include the following:
For Face-to-Face meeting, please find a meeting location in your local community, hopefully in a public venue, and then select a fixed day and time for your weekly meetings.
For Online Meetings, please check the Online Meeting Schedule for a day and time that does not conflict with existing meetings.
Review our How Was Your Week book. It offers a great overview of both the LifeRing organization and the role of the convenor. There’s also a free PDF version available of an older edition here.
Get the newsletter, blog posts, and general LifeRing announcements by email, please click here.
Invite your friends in recovery and other local peers to attend the meeting … that’s it!