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Donate to LifeRing

LifeRing is a volunteer-run organization that is highly dependent on our member's generous donations. There are many ways that you can get involved with LifeRing: donating cash, making an in-kind donation, volunteering your skills, or convening a meeting. 

LifeRing is a 501c3 Non Profit and your donation should be tax-deductible under the law.


The preferred way is to make a monthly donation via secure online payments by clicking below.   

Paying by Check

Mail checks to:
LifeRing Secular Recovery
25125 Santa Clara St, #E-359
Hayward, CA 94544

Credit Cards, PayPal, and Direct Deposit accepted. You can leave your contact information if you wish or donate anonymously without registering.

Please consider choosing LifeRing for matching donations when you shop on Amazon. It costs you nothing and LifeRing gets a small cash donation for every purchase you make. You must "link" LifeRing (click below) and always go to when shopping.

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