We’re trying something new aimed at Bay Area convenors: instead of a monthly get-together to compare notes and share ideas, the frequency, day of the week, location and format are being changed. From now on, the meetings will be every two months, be on Sunday instead of Saturday, and run from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., with the first hour of the meeting devoted to discussion among those present, the second will be for participation in the national convenor call-in session, involving convenors from all over, including outside the U.S., and the last half hour will be time for a recap.
The new location will be at the Kaiser CDRP facility just down the street from the Service Center. The facility is at 969 Broadway, Room #5, in Oakland (a very easy walk from the 12th St. Oakland BART station. The next session will be Nov. 14, followed by 2011 dates of Jan. 23, Mar. 13, May 15, Jul. 17, Sep. 11, and Nov. 13.
We’re hoping that the new time won’t interfere with weekend activities as much as the old time, and that the reduced frequency will make it more inviting for area convenors. The convenor meetings are particularly important for new convenors, of course, but all can benefit. And the newer convenors gain greatly from the presence of those with more experience.