We are always on the look out for a mention of LifeRing in the media, and recently a couple of articles came to our attention so we thought we’d share. The first one talks about the surge in drinking that is happening during the pandemic:
I especially liked what the author said about the importance of maintaining a routine in recovery:
"Routine and structure are important to overall mental health because they reduce stress and elements of unknown or unexpected events in daily life...these can trigger individuals in recovery to revert to unhealthy coping skills, such as drinking."
The second is a mention of LifeRing in "Dear Annie", which is, as you may have immediately guessed, a syndicated advice column:
Dear Annie: I was glad to see your column mention the Alcoholics Anonymous meetings available on Zoom. In the small state of New Hampshire alone (where I live), there are hundreds of Zoom meetings weekly, as of this writing. — Paul
Dear Paul: These virtual support group meetings have been a lifeline to many during the pandemic. There are also meetings available by telephone, so you don't even need a computer to participate. Other support groups have made virtual and dial-in meetings available, including Al-Anon Family Groups (http://al-anon.org/), Families Anonymous (www.familiesanonymous.org), Narcotics Anonymous (www.na.org) and LifeRing Secular Recovery (www.lifering.org), to name just a handful. For anyone who's been considering attending a support group meeting but never gotten around to it: There's no time like the present.
These kinds of mentions are very important to LifeRing's growth. And if you find you're struggling more than usual, please join us at any one of the online meetings LifeRing is holding via Zoom. This is becoming a highly successful format and we invite you to join us if you haven't done so already!
Be well. Stay safe. And DNDNMW.