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LifeRing is Moving Up In The World

Writer's picture: LifeRingLifeRing

LifeRing’s Oakland office, long located at suite 312, 1440 Broadway, is moving to another space in the same building this weekend. The new room, #400, is one floor higher than the old room. It’s a little smaller than the current office, so we will be leasing some storage space in the basement for some of the stuff that has accumulated over the past several years. We’re being kicked out, in a nice sort of way, by the building managers who have a tenant who wants the whole 3rd floor. The move promises to be challenging — among other things our complete stock of the three books LifeRing sells are kept in our office — dozens of 40+ pound boxes. And then there is the office furniture, file cabinets, work stations, etc. Anyone reading this is very welcome to drop by on Friday, Saturday or Sunday, (May 1-3) starting at 9 am and lasting until we poop out, to help. You probably should call first, if, that is,  the phones are connected — the number will stay the same, but it has to be transferred to the new space. That’s true for our Internet connection as well. If you can’t come to help, drop by and look at the new digs after we get settled in.

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