The following LifeRing meetings meet at the Oakland Kaiser Chemical Dependency Recovery Program (CDRP):
Tuesday 6:35 – 7:35 pm, Recovery by Choice workbook study, Group Room 4, led by Lloyd E., 510-847-9392, LLOYDEL@LLOYDEL.Net
Tuesday 6:35 – 7:35 pm, How was your week?, Group Room 8, led by Jared.
Wednesday 12:30 – 1:30 pm, How was your week?, Group Room 6, led by Charlie W, 510.522.7666,
Wednesday 6:45 – 8 pm, How was your week?, Group Room 8, led by Marty N., 510-717-2414,
Thursday 6:35 – 7:35 pm, How was your week?, Group Room 5, led by Henry S.,
All meetings at Kaiser Oakland CDRP are wheelchair accessible. The location is upstairs from the Smart&Final storefront. You do not have to be a Kaiser member and you do not have to sign in with the reception booth to attend the LifeRing meetings.