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New LifeRing Meeting in Dublin, Ireland

The growing LifeRing presence in Dublin, Ireland, has increased with the start of a new meeting at the Blanchardstown library (Room 3) in the Roselawn Shopping Centre. The meeting will be held on Saturdays at 1 p.m., starting on March 5th. James M. will be the convenor. It’s the sixth LifeRing meeting in Dublin. Dennis S., who started and then led the LifeRing effort in Dublin for the past two years, is stepping down as the groups leader there. He writes:

Greeting from the Emerald Isle!

Lifering Ireland has great news. A steering committee is now in place. It consists of 9 members with Maggie Ryan as the chairwoman This steering committee is in its infancy but is already tackling major issues such as convener training, expansion in Dublin and hopefully in the remainder of the country.

At the moment the email address ( is not functioning. This should be resolved by Google in the next few days.

My last official act has been to secure the site for our 6th Dublin area meeting in the Blanchardstown library. It will commence on Saturday 5 March, 2011 at 1 pm in room 3. This room can only accommodate 15 people which is a great size for a Lifering meeting. However, the room limitation will be inhibiting as this meeting grows. Additional rooms may be available at summer’s start.

The Stanhope meeting will move to 3:30 start time from 2:30 beginning 2 March. Watch for new posters in the Dublin area soon. New meeting schedules will be printed to reflect our growth.

I will no longer be involved in the operation of Lifering Ireland. I am stepping aside so that a fresh team with fresh ideas can take charge of the organization. The last two years since I first decided we needed an alternative to 12 step programs in Ireland has been exciting. I have had the pleasure of meeting and working with many fine people both inside Lifering in Roi/NI and worldwide and in the recovery communities throughout the island.

Please give as much support to the fine members of the new committee. I have full faith that they will facilitate the expansion into new regions. One caution, these members are new at this. Time delays in responding to requests may occur as they willingly learn their new tasks.

Regards with gratitude,


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