The new LifeRing at
St. Cloud Regional Medical Center in St. Cloud, FL, starts this Wednesday, July 7. Founding convenor Dale K. writes:
“Here we go! The new meeting starts Wednesday evening, and I am suffering from the jitters. I have prepared as best as I know how; read the text, got the kit, went to a Tampa meeting, printed the appropriate forms and flyers, advertised the meeting, made lots of personal contacts, and generally went nuts. Now, I have a lot of personal (not monetary) investment in this, and want it to succeed badly. I guess that I am feeling what everyone has gone through that has organized a new meeting. I am prepared (sort of) to meet with myself, but I sure would like to see the room full of addicts seeking recovery. Wish me luck!”
The meeting starts at 7:30 pm in the Board Room of the medical center (see map). Good luck, Dale! — Marty N.