The LifeRing Board of Directors, at its regular monthly meeting on 9/8/2013, adopted a revised Mission Statement. It’s not a major departure from the older one, but was felt to be more smoothly worded and clearer. The new statement reads as follows:
“LifeRing is an abstinence-‐based, worldwide network of people living in recovery from addiction to alcohol or to other, non-‐medically indicated drugs. In LifeRing, we offer each other peer-‐to-‐peer support in ways that encourage personal growth and continued learning through personal empowerment. Our approach is based on developing, refining, and sharing our own strategies for continued abstinence and crafting a rewarding life in recovery. In short, we are sober, secular, and self-‐empowered.”
Mission Statements are important for providing a succint yet broadly descriptive summation of the group’s purpose. It will be useful in future grant applications.