Two of LifeRing’s newest convenors are proving very adept at using both old and new media in efforts to publicize their meetings.
John in Albany, OR, used his local newspaper to gain a plug for his two meetings there. The local Democrat-Herald posted a note in it’s “Your Community” on-line edition telling about the meetings, with time and place and John’s phone number for more information. The paper managed to shorten our name to LifeRing Secular, but we’ll forgive them that. See the item here. An item like that may seem like a small thing, but community newspapers — and their websites — are often very well read.
And Troy S. in Modesto, CA, has prepared a website to give information about his new meeting, which attracted 16 people at the first get-together on Jan. 7th. Visit Troy’s website here.
LifeRing meetings are, of course, autonomous and convenors are encouraged to explore these types of publicity efforts. We want to get the word out!